Jamie and Jade's Macaroni and Cheese
Yummy, gooey, macaroni and cheese
In my urban fantasy House of the Rising Son, we meet Cheyenne, an incubus rocker who feeds on strong emotions. He's an amazing musician, so the emotions of his fans sustains him. He doesn't really need to eat human food. But what’s a single father to do when he has kids at home to feed?
Like many preschoolers, Cheyenne’s children feast on spaghettios, cereal, and cut up fruits and vegetables. Their favorite food is boxed mac and cheese. They delight in helping their father mix the noodles with the bright orange cheese powder. Sadly, their enthusiastic help often results in noodles and cheese escaping the bowl onto the counter.
Jade, his succubus baby is always hungry. She hasn't yet learned the art of feeding on emotions. She's therefore happy to chase down the errant noodles and eat them. Jamie is satisfied to let her have them. Half-incubus and half vampire, he's content to pick at his food and suck his sister’s thumb.
Cheyenne has his work cut out for him keeping Jade from eating too much while encouraging Jamie to eat any human food at all. I've suggested he use my recipe. There's nothing like the comforting gooey goodness of homemade mac and cheese. Here's my take on it, with nods to my mom's flair for convenience and Martha Stewart's penchant for flavor bursts.
The result is simple, rich and amazing. More importantly, it's a little more nutritious and definitely a whole lot tastier. I think Cheyenne is looking forward to trying it—as soon as he can talk his boyfriend’s sister into helping him cook.
In my urban fantasy, HOUSE OF THE RISING SON we meet Cheyenne and his family, and learn one of their favorite foods is macaroni and cheese. Sadly, Cheyenne doesn't cook and he hasn't much money so they eat only the boxed variety, yummy despite its powdered neon orange cheese.
There's nothing like the comforting gooey goodness of homemade mac and cheese. Here's my take on it, with nods to my mom's flair for convenience and Martha Stewart's penchant for flavor bursts. The result is simple, rich and amazing. Oh, and it's enough for a family holiday gathering!
The Most Amazing Mac and Cheese
1 cup bread crumbs
1 pound elbow macaroni
1 stick butter
5 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup flour
1.5 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
5 cups grated sharp white cheddar cheese
2 cups grated Gruyere cheese
Large(13x9) buttered baking dish.
Cook macaroni, rinse in cold water to stop it from cooking and set aside.
Melt butter in a deep skillet or pot over medium heat. When melted whisk in flour. Keep whisking 1 minute then slowly whisk in milk. Continue cooking and whisking until it thickens. Turn off heat.
Add salt, cayenne pepper, the Gruyere, and all but a half cup of the cheddar cheese. Stir macaroni into the cheese sauce. Pour mixture into buttered baking dish. Mix bread crumbs with remaining half cup of cheddar and sprinkle over top. Bake until bubbling and golden brown (30-40 minutes). Enjoy!