Hi there. How’s your new normal going?
Cup of coffee sitting by a laptop. Credit: DepositPhotos
Much respect to the teachers who are battling it out, trying to teach online when many have never done so. Make no mistake, teaching an online class well is harder than teaching an on-ground class. Of course, if you aren’t diligent or don’t care, it could be a breeze, I suppose. But dedicated teachers want their students to learn, and want to bring them a little bit of normalcy in this difficult time.
As for me, I am staying at home as much as possible—the exceptions being going to the grocery store and the pharmacy. I’m in a high risk group, and so are people I love, so staying in is the better part of valor..
Always a bit of a loner, I’m surprisingly okay with this. I’m teaching myself how to use a graphic design program. I’m taking an online course in publishing. I’m coloring. Lots of coloring. (It’s a pretty addictive app.) I’m binge-watching Netflix and Amazon Prime offerings, like the Great British Baking Show, Black Lightening, Happy (LOVE Christopher Meloni), comedy specials, and a couple of really bad horror movies. Like Revenge of the Were Rooster.
Yeah. Don’t ask.
Then there are house projects. I reorganized my office and rearranged my living room. I’m also writing. In fact, April is Camp Nano, where I pledge to write at least 20,000 words this month.
But enough about me. If you are a first responder, medical personnel, nonprofit employees, or you work in a drug store or grocery or restaurant or deli…THANK YOU. One lesson many are learning and that I’ve always known is that YOU are the backbone of our society. Not the corporations, not the government. You. You have my unending gratitude.
How is everyone else doing? I’d love to hear how you’re spending the time. If you have a Netflix recommendation, I’d love to hear that too.
Be safe. Be well.