One thing I know for sure is that if one thing goes wrong in the morning, the rest of the day is in trouble.
First, I have to admit that I overslept, so getting out of the house was rushed. As I was leaving, the phone rang and I saw it was the arborist who is supposed to check our tree. This appointment has been delayed by a tropical storm a couple of weeks ago and then a storm with tornados last week. The arborist was called to help with tree damage, so our poor tree was put on hold. I knew he was calling to reschedule but there was no time to check calendars so I told the phone (and myself) that I would call him later.
Tuesday is errand day. I have to be out for our farm shares pick up so run other errands. When I attached my phone in the car, I received the message that the phone was offline. Now, this phone is about a week old and one sim card has already had to be replaced. Here we go again I thought. Followed by “I’ll have to call them later.”
Off I went and picked up the farm shares and decided not to do the other errands to save time. I arrived home, showered, and put everything away. I grabbed last night’s leftover lasagna and heated that for lunch.
During lunch a friend called needing to borrow something, medicine was delivered, and a friend kept texting complaints about his day.
Actually, it was worse than this looks.
Finally, I headed to my office to get started on my workday, only to learn that the internet was down. I did the usual magic, but nothing happened. I spent the next 3 hours on the phone with the tech guy who told me one thing to do, then totally changed what he wanted me to do until I was completely turned around. I checked for loose cables, traced the cable back to its entry to the house, but honestly I wouldn’t have recognized something wrong If I had seen it. There were multiple wires going in every direction. Did we really have cable in six rooms? Seems we do even though they are hooked to nothing. Finally, the tech and I decided that a new modem should be sent. Great. How many days?
I also teach remotely, and guess what is needed for that? Yes, an internet connection. Using the hot spot on my phone I was able to hold the class. Miraculously when my class ended, the internet came online and then it was gone again.
So here I sit with blogs to post, email to send, and classes to get ready for tomorrow. But I have no internet. What’s a person to do? I think I will go to bed and make sure tomorrow starts on time.