
Starting the Year off with New Books!

I know folks who read at least—AT LEAST—a book a month. I’m jealous. There is nothing like losing myself in a book and falling in love with new characters. Maybe some of you feel the same.

In case you do, here are a couple of promotions I recently learned of. Yes, my short story (introducing a new character) is in one and my lesbian vampire book is in the other, but there are also about 70 additional great authors.

Just click on the pictures. The links will take you to an array of books.

This will take you to a page with nearly 50 free books/stories.

LOTS of yummy books on sale!

Enjoy. And Happy New Year. Be safe out there.


WOOHOO! Another LGBTQ e-book/short-story giveaway, another opportunity to explore new authors! Can’t hurt to check it out, right? Right! (Just click the picture!)

Banner for LGBTQ e-book giveaway.

Banner for LGBTQ e-book giveaway.

Oh! I’m looking to add to my street team. You know, a group of avid readers who would enjoy helping me get the word out about my upcoming release (August). You’d be the first to read, plus the only folks to receive exclusive swag. Sign up here!

New Year, New Books!

Everyone likes free books, don’t they? I sure do. Actually, I LOVE books, even the ones I actually buy but free books just make me happy.

The event below contains 36 books and samples of all genres.

Books Galore!

Books Galore!

“Hot and Dirty Books” is a Kindle Unlimited promotion. Take a chance on new authors and new steamy books and series’ starters.

To check them out just click on the pictures! Enjoy, and let me know if you find anything you like!

It's Okay. It is.

A cup of tea…and a moment of peace.

A cup of tea…and a moment of peace.

There are so many unimaginable things going on around us today. It is difficult to take it all in, let alone focus on it for extended periods of time. It saddens me to know that several of my friends feel guilty about not being able to watch the news all day, or go to every rally, or even stay on FaceBook and chat with their friends about world events.

But it’s okay. It really is. You don’t have to overload yourself with news to the point of hopelessness or stress. You DESERVE to binge-watch Cloak & Dagger and lose yourself in their quest. You are WORTHY of the respite that comes from taking a long walk, or sitting in nature watching the birds. And you are entitled to give your self a break, make a cup of tea (or the beverage of your choice) and escape inside a book.

So take a step back from the insanity and find a few new reads. Here are some free (or pretty cheap). Just click on the picture.

Be well.

Myth and Magic, Free EBooks for Fantasy Lovers

Myth and Magic, Free EBooks for Fantasy Lovers

Sexy Short Reads, EBooks $4.99 and Below

Sexy Short Reads, EBooks $4.99 and Below

Welcome to My World, free fantasy and SciFi EBooks

Welcome to My World, free fantasy and SciFi EBooks