Writer's Life


This is the next-to-last week for my summer CSA. Every week my partner and I put on our masks and head to a local farm to pick up our share of fruits and vegetables. The farm also has a small farm stand, so also pick up other essentials, like local cheese, bread, eggs, beef (locally raised and processed), and chips—and as you can see in the back right of the picture, sometimes also apple fritters.

The farm stand requires masks and social distancing, and usually has only a handful of people anyway. This little local business has enabled us to always have fresh food during a period when we didn’t think we could because grocery shopping was too risky for us. I am grateful for them.

In this crazy, scary time, it’s hard to appreciate the things that aren’t so crazy. I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude, and reminding myself to consciously be grateful. I am ever so grateful for my partner. I’m grateful for my skilled and understanding doctor. I’m grateful for my employer, and the care it is taking to make sure we’re safe and enabling me to have money to pay my bills.

And I appreciative of my readers who have been on this writing journey with me. Cheyenne also sends his gratitude. Along with a proposition, of course.

What are you grateful for?


Time to Change Things Up


I am currently slogging my way through Camp NanoWriMo and bemoaning the fact that I did not get a single word written during Camp Nano in April.  The self -flagellation reminds me that if I had only done the work in April I would be doing rewrites and edits instead of staring at a blank screen, trying to figure out what my outline notes meant.

Another worry for me has been nicknamed the Covid-15.  That’s the fifteen pounds the average person gained in the first months of sheltering in place.  I’d previously worked very hard to eat healthy meals, drink water, and exercise.  But with the quarantine, the lethargy that affected my writing also affected my healthy habits.  Months of sitting at a desk, followed by sitting on the sofa, and topped off by sitting at the dinner table, well, let’s just say I developed a fear of weighing myself.  Eventually I had to face the fact that some of my clothes were uncomfortably tight. 

I forced myself to the scales and was relieved to learn I’d only gained six pounds. It was still too much.  Even worse was the result of sitting.  Walking to the end of the driveway a couple of times a day just didn’t do the trick

My reasoning, such that it was, was that I deserved a break from work and good habits because it helped deal with the stress and worry of Covid-19.  Things would be back to normal by summer.

Obviously, that hasn’t happened.  Parts of the country reopened to devastating results, so the quarantine continues, at least in my state. My family continues to practice social distancing and #stayingathome. 

I’ve come to the conclusion that the next leg of the pandemic can’t be the same as the first four months.  I have set goals and planned baby steps for walking and exercising more, I’ve swapped my cola for water (most of the time), ceased eating so many carbs, and exchanged frozen veggies for fresh. 

I’m also creeping my way through Camp Nano.  I may not hit my goal,  but I am writing every day.  Those are great starts.

Now that things have lasted longer than we’d hoped, is there anything you’re going to do differently?

CSA and Me

Scientists and epidemiologists insist, pretty much across the board, that the pandemic isn’t over and I trust science. I understand that the more people who #stayhome the greater our chance of eliminating the virus. Or at least buying us time until there is a treatment or a vaccine. Consequently, I’m not going anywhere—for the most part.

I’ve had to take the dogs to the vet. I’ve had to go to renew my license. And I took a drive around the block for curbside pickup of a couple of Cafe Mochas because my partner was going a little stir crazy. I wore lined masks for every outing, kept interactions brief, kept an appropriate social distance, and only left the house for necessities. Starting this week, however, I have to pick up my CSA.

My bounty for Week 1. Yum!

My bounty for Week 1. Yum!

CSA. Community Supported Agriculture. This is a program that supports local farms. You buy “shares”, which gives the farm money to buy seeds and other supplies in advance of the season. In return, you get a “share” of the farm’s yield.

I am now obligated to go out into the world every week to pick up my farm shares. A part of me wonders what the heck I was thinking. My partner and I buy into CSAs because we support local farming, largely because I know the vital role they play in our food chain. I think corporate farming is a bad idea, but I’ll save that for another post. (In case you’re interested, this is a pretty good article.)

It’s a risk, I know, going out every week. But sometimes, you have to take risks, or as my mother would have said, “put your money where your mouth is”.

Huh. I just realized that I’m doing that quite literally.

It's Okay. It is.

A cup of tea…and a moment of peace.

A cup of tea…and a moment of peace.

There are so many unimaginable things going on around us today. It is difficult to take it all in, let alone focus on it for extended periods of time. It saddens me to know that several of my friends feel guilty about not being able to watch the news all day, or go to every rally, or even stay on FaceBook and chat with their friends about world events.

But it’s okay. It really is. You don’t have to overload yourself with news to the point of hopelessness or stress. You DESERVE to binge-watch Cloak & Dagger and lose yourself in their quest. You are WORTHY of the respite that comes from taking a long walk, or sitting in nature watching the birds. And you are entitled to give your self a break, make a cup of tea (or the beverage of your choice) and escape inside a book.

So take a step back from the insanity and find a few new reads. Here are some free (or pretty cheap). Just click on the picture.

Be well.

Myth and Magic, Free EBooks for Fantasy Lovers

Myth and Magic, Free EBooks for Fantasy Lovers

Sexy Short Reads, EBooks $4.99 and Below

Sexy Short Reads, EBooks $4.99 and Below

Welcome to My World, free fantasy and SciFi EBooks

Welcome to My World, free fantasy and SciFi EBooks

The New Binge #stayhomesavelives

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been isolating due to the pandemic. I’ve finished ALL the baking series. I’ve finished all the supernatural series that seem worth watching. I’ve seen all the comedy specials that looked hilarious. So now what?

Yay! Webinars!

Yay! Webinars!


I know, right? But today alone I’ve watched several. One on writing, one on marketing, another on relationships, and still another on COVID-19. (That one was particularly informative.)

Given that many of us are isolating at home, companies are showcasing their wares through offering free opportunities to learn something, see something, or do something. Occasionally there’s a sales pitch involved but not always. And there is something for everyone.

I admit I often learn about them from a newsletter I subscribe to. But you can easily find them. A quick google search found a host of opportunities.

webinars for writers

webinars for librarians

webinars for artists

webinars for librarians

webinars for gardening

It’s a simple google search “Webinars for—” whatever. Try it and see. Oh—here’s a list of several about Earth Day. You’re welcome.

Webinars about/for Earth Day

Cover Design: It’s My Story

Mad respect to those talented people who have an artistic sensibility and a grasp of design concepts. It seems to be a complex amalgamation of concepts that leads to something visually appealing and effective.

Photo credit to Deposit Photos

Photo credit to Deposit Photos

I’ve recently thought about what I want the cover of my soon to be released books to look like. No matter who ultimately I ask to design them, I’m going to need to be able to tell them what I’m looking for.

Apparently, all genres have a specific set of expectations when it comes to covers. My books are all Urban Fantasies. Covers are expected to be dark and contain a representation of the protagonist.. The character should be somewhat front and center, and there should be mystical or magical elements. Many covers use the magical elements to frame the character’s image.

Some people argue that rules are meant to be broken. Operating outside of the status quo might get some attention. The other perspective, however, is that readers won’t even notice your book if they don’t recognize the genre.

What do you think?

Handyman? Handy Woman

For reasons still unknown, the handle to my storm door stopped working and locked me inside my house. In order to open the door, I had to take the entire mechanism off. I’m pretty sure I did not remove it according to specifications as a hammer and crowbar were my primary tools. Once removed, there was no hope of the handle working ever again but YAY, I did get the door to open.

Today, I went to the hardware store and purchased a replacement lock with a plan to install it. I think the manufacturer was either playing a horrible joke, or assumed that only experienced door handle repair people would try to install the product because THERE WERE NO WORDS in the instructions. No description of the parts included in the package or their use. No directions as to how to put it together. Just pictures. Vague, confusing pictures.

I was on my own.


The process was ugly. It took me 60 full minutes trying to figure out how to get the little plastic doohickey onto the rectangular metal thingy before it occurred to me the pairing wasn’t meant to be. I tossed out the doohickey. The next issue was figuring out which of the eighteen screws provided were supposed to be inserted in the SIX available holes—which, of course, didn’t line up with the holes already in my door.

Enter the my friend the hammer.

Three hours and a box of unused parts later, my door handle is in and working. The door opens, closes, and locks. More importantly, there’s a pretty hefty metal door backing it up.

Next on the Handy Woman List? A new doorbell.

Where’s my crowbar?

A Holiday Confession

I have a confession. 

My Christmas tree is still sitting in my living room and  I turn on the lights every night.  It’s not because I am lazy, although there may be a little of that involved.  No, it is still here because I love the way the room feels when lighted by the soft glow of the tree. 

The world is beautiful through the Christmas season.  Stores are decorated, and what’s more, personal homes are covered in lights and decorations. There is real joy in driving to and from destinations because it is fun to see the everything so beautiful. The world is softer, brighter, and hopefully happier.


After Christmas, the stores rush to get their Valentine decorations on display.  But when holiday decorations are removed, the world feels darker and harsher and colder. I don’t want to see the lights go away.

Here, on January 21st, as I drove home tonight, holiday lights brightened the dark. Colored snowflakes decorated houses, penguins lined driveways. And yes, Christmas trees were shining from many of the homes we passed.

Apparently I am not the only one holding onto the light.

Three Ways to Sabotage Your Resolutions

Admit it. You made a New Year’s resolution or two. Like so many of us, you looked back at last year and found things you wished you’d accomplished, or want to do differently in the upcoming year. “I want to lose weight.” “We need to save money.” “I’m going to hit the gym/relax more/pay off my debt.”

Although we set out determined to achieve our objectives, often our energy and focus quickly start to fade. We get in our own way, sabotaging our progress well before we’ve really gotten started. Here’s how:

1. Our intentions are vague. If we don’t know precisely what we want to accomplish and when we want to accomplish it, we won’t recognize when we’re done or whether or not we’ve been successful. How much weight do you want to lose? What amount of money do you need to save? By when? 

Being specific gives us a clear target and offers clues as to how much effort we need to achieve it. Wanting to lose 20 pounds requires a very different level of effort than losing 50 lbs. For most of us, saving $100 is not quite the same as saving $1000. 

Make sense?

2. The goal is too big. We all start off excited and filled with energy to make our vision real. If we don’t see progress, our motivation starts to evaporate. It gets exhausting to keep doing something you’re failing at. For example, paying off your credit cards is a good idea, but you can chip away at it for an extended period of time and not see any progress. 

It’s important to break big goals and resolutions into smaller pieces that can be accomplished and celebrated. Pay that credit card down $250. Woohoo! Next step, $500! When we achieve these smaller goals, we feel great about what we’ve done and are motivated to keep going. 


Still with me? Here’s the third and final mistake.

3. We don’t have a plan. Sure, I bet you can think of something you or someone you know accomplished successfully without a plan, and that’s awesome. When that happens, however, it’s because of enormous amounts of trial and error,  reworking, and luck. Do you really want to rely on the possibility of those stars falling into alignment? Wouldn’t it be better to increase the probability of achieving your goal?

When you don’t have a plan, you can waste a lot of time, energy, and resources, and it isn’t likely you’ll succeed. When you have a well thought out plan, it increases your chance for success. If you want to lose weight, you might have to do some research about how many calories to eat each day, and what foods are best for you. With this knowledge, you can create an action plan we call a menu. If you want to save money, you need to determine how much you want to save and develop the plan—the budget—that can tell you how much to set aside each time you get paid and what, if anything, you might have to sacrifice. 

You’ll be able to keep your resolutions if you are specific about what you want to do, break it into smaller chunks that will help you to stay motivated, and develop a doable action plan. I know this works—it’s how I wrote and sold my first book.

Good luck with your resolutions. You got this!

The Busiest Time of the Year—and Free Stories!


It’s a hectic time of year, isn’t it? For me, it starts at Thanksgiving, really gets rolling at grading time, and then barrels through Christmas and New Years Day.

Except for grading, it’s mostly fun. Decorating the trees and the house. Holiday crafting. Making cookies. Oh, and people watching at the mall. Good times.

It’s also time to do some reading and relaxing. In case you’re looking for some new books and stories, here are a few promotions—Click on the picture. Happy Holidays!

Enjoy! Happy Holiday and Happy Reading!

Paying it forward: Three Tips from a Writer's Retreat

A woman writing on a laptop, coffee at the ready. What else do you need for a writing retreat?

A woman writing on a laptop, coffee at the ready. What else do you need for a writing retreat?

Writing is hard. Lest you think differently, ask any writer you know to tell you the honest truth. Sometimes, telling a story well feels like you’re bleeding on the page, even if you’re working on a light comedy. From having a good idea to turning it into something engaging, it can be a grueling process.

Don’t get me wrong. There is joy in the process, too. Finding the right word, the right tale, and taking beloved characters on an important journey is exhilarating. And when readers find you…and “get” you…Well, nothing beats that.

But writing is hard. And try doing it, as so many of us must, with day jobs and busy families and in my case, needy, senior pets and NaNoWriMo.

Recently I was fortunate enough to participate in a brief retreat with a segment of my writer tribe. It was to be a full day and two halves of getting some much needed rest, as well as an opportunity to network and learn with and from my peers. All was accomplished. My love of the process was rekindled, and I even gained a few surprisingly helpful pointers.

  1. Writing sprints ARE hokey, but they work. The first evening after grabbing a quick bite and an even quicker nap, I joined a few authors for a writer’s sprint. I was skeptical about participating as I am usually a comparatively slow writer. When the organizer announced the first sprint would be for 10 minutes, my heart sank.What was that going to be, 5 words for me? But it wasn’t. I wrote around 150 words. Say what?? During each subsequent sprint, my word count increased.

  2. Margins matter. I attended a micro-workshop on book formatting. As a hybrid author, I know there is much I need to learn about formatting—especially covers—so attending seemed a good use of time. The presenter showed examples of self-published books where the words were difficult to read because the author/publisher hadn’t used the minimum required measurements for the inside margins. The presenter noted, “This screams amateur.”

    I had two books waiting for me when I arrived home, delivered by Amazon. Traditionally published by two of the Big Five New York publishers. Guess what? HORRIBLE MARGINS. One was a coffee table book in which the margins bisected the pictures. Excuse me, the pictures are the point. The other one, a novel, had inner margins so off I could not open the book wide enough to read entire pages without ripping the book apart to read it. I returned the book.

  3. Marketing is a necessary evil that you CAN master. One of my favorite authors and all around kind person Jamie K. Schmidt gave two presentations on marketing. One of the things that makes her presentations so cool and so helpful is that she shares her successes and failures and actual numbers with us, in terms of cost and results. Most presenters don’t. I gained some knowledge about Facebook ads/boosts. Basically, the most critical step is selecting your audience, and that seems to be largely a matter of trial and error. Simply understanding that is enough to give it a reasonable try. Oh—that and limit the amount you want to spend or Facebook will keep going, and going and going.

    In the second, more informal talk, Jamie spoke about marketing and shared a relatively new tool with us: StoryOrigin. OMG this is a wonderful site that facilitates newsletter swaps and group promotions for sales and list building. I only just started to use it, but I am happy to share my results as I experience them. Stay Tuned!

#NanoWriMo2019 for the All Around Win!


Once again, I am jumping into the insanity of National Novel Writing Month. Last year, for the first time in a series of efforts, I actually won—I had a 50,000 word draft of a novel I titled Too Close. Yay, me!

Unfortunately, most of those 50,000 words are not good. Not good at all. When I am ready again to focus on this novel (I LOVE the premise, although I am not ready to share it), I’ll have to start pretty much from scratch. Hopefully, I’ll be able to salvage some of the better sections.

Consequently, this year I’m doing things differently. I’ll share with you the lessons I learned the hard way.

Lesson #1: Plan your story. The rules of Nano permit and even encourage outlining of your plot and scenes. I do always plot but in the past I’ve waited until Nanowrimo started to really look at the story in detail.

Lesson #2: Plan your time. I work, so scheduling writing time is essential—in the past, I’ve just winged it. Bad idea. I’m also going to be realistic about holiday expectations, meals in general, and well…housekeeping.

Lesson #3: Screw housekeeping. “A clean house is a symptom of a rigid mind.” I heard that somewhere. Really. did.

Lesson #4: Sedate the “internal editor”. Prevailing wisdom says to turn off your internal editor. You know, the voice in your head that tells you your writing sucks. But in order to prevent ending up with a huge percentage of words you can’t use, you need a little self-editing. Instead of killing him or her off (or “it”—My internal editor is a pesky troll named STFU), just give it a valium. Or a hard punch in the head. This will help you achieve a balance between letting the words flow and making sure they’re good.

Lesson #5: Hire a dog/cat sitter. Or leave the house. If you are lucky enough to not have an attention-seeking or high-strung puppy or kitty then this doesn’t apply to you. My Chloe is a marauder and a menace. I LOVE HER DEARLY but cheese and rice she doesn’t like me to work. I have to leave the house.

I hope you find a few kernels of help in these lessons. If you’re participating in #NanoWriMo2019, good luck. And if you’re in need of a Buddy, drop me a tweet @TrevannRogers or a comment and let’s connect.